Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Revolutions

We all know the idea of the New Year's Resolution. Well, I'm going to do something similar: New Year's Revolutions. What's the difference? Well, a resolution is something that you try to do to improve your life. The revolution is something that you do to radically change your life. This year, I have three:

1. Lose weight. My goal is to lose 60 lbs by September. I am a member of a gym, so I'm going to go in and do a bunch of cardio three times a week. I have a running plan that I'm going to do, and once my shoulder is healed, I'll add in some weight training. For now, though, straight cardio. Lose weight, get in shape, drop my blood pressure and turn my belly from flab to fit.

2. Get my art/photos up in a gallery/coffee shop/public place. I'm going to get my self out into the community with my talents. Look out Fort Collins, here comes Lee. This is a radical turn from what I've done before, which was... well, nothing. I've never displayed any of my stuff before, but I think this will change my sitting-on-butt ways and get me using my talents to the glory of God.

3. Learn to play guitar. I'm determined. I'm going to learn this thing if it kills me, and since I have a ton of time in the afternoon, I'm going to make it happen. Either that, or I'll learn to dance. Yes, I said dance. Lee will dance some day, people. Just, don't expect any miracles right away. These things take time, you know.

So, there you have it. 3, maybe 3.5 revolutions if you include the dancing thing. I intend to carry these out this year, and am looking for accountability/partners if anyone is interested.

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