For those who don't know, a Spirit Night is a way to fund raise. You organize with the restaurant and then people say they are there for whatever your organization is and 20% of the sale go to you. For this little's girl, the line didn't go out the door... it snaked all the way around the restaraunt. More people waited outside. I stood in line for 40 minutes. The line at the drive through went past Albertsons. There was no place to park. The place was packed with no place to sit and whole families were outside playing at the petting zoo or getting their faces painted. I talked with the woman behind me and asked if she knew the family. She didn't, but she was there to support them. She herself had twins and was in the club, and she was there to support a family she had never even met. Wow.
I love reading the Alvarado's blog. You can find it here: I'll warn you, it's hard to read without being moved to tears, and I'm a dude. To read of the trial, the struggle and the faith and hope that this family has in God and his power, I am moved and inspired. I pray that when circumstances this hard strike me that I will find as much peace as I see here.
I am reminded of a verse in Isaiah:
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. - Isaiah 26:3I love that. And I see it here. I pray that my heart and mind may be that steadfast. I pray that the Alvarados' will continue to be.
Pray for Esther.
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